When: 19.-23. September 2022
Where: Online
Registration fee: TBA via webex
Registration at http://www.izw-berlin.de/summer-school-isotopes-1467.html
Lecturers (in alphabetical order):
Dr. Alexandre Courtiol (Leibniz-IZW): Multivariate statistics and use of R-Package IsoriX
for spatial assignments of animals based on stable isotopes
Prof. Dr. Keith Hobson (University of Western Ontario, Canada): General aspects of
stable isotopes in animal ecology
Dr. Stefania Milano (Leibniz-IZW): Analytical tools for analysing isotope data (MixSIAR
and SIBER)
PD Dr. Christian Voigt (IZW): Stable isotope ecology of mammals
Dr. Len Wassenaar (IAEA, Vienna, Austria): Stable isotopes in hydrology
Prof. Dr. Roland Werner (ETH Zurich, Switzerland): Stable carbon and hydrogen
isotopes in plants
Prof. Dr. Seth Newsome (University of New Mexico): Compound specific stable isotopes in animal ecology
Prof. Dr. Martin Kainz: Use of stable isotope ratios in fatty acids in ecology
Prof. Dr. Thomas Tuetken (University of Mainz): Stable isotopes of heavy elements in Palaeoecology
For questions, please contact Josepha Pruegel at akademie@izw-berlin.de, or Dr. Stefania Milano at milano@izw-berlin.de
Thank you for attending the 4th International Summer School on Stable Isotopes in Animal Ecology
When: 14.-18. September 2020
Where: Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research in Berlin (IZW), Germany
Registration fee: 390 Euro (includes access to lectures and practical coursework, coffee breaks, warum BBQ and guided tour through Berlin)
Registration at http://www.izw-berlin.de/summer-school-isotopes-1467.html
Lecturers (in alphabetical order):
Dr. Alexandre Courtiol (Leibniz-IZW): Multivariate statistics and use of R-Package IsoriX
for spatial assignments of animals based on stable isotopes
Prof. Dr. Keith Hobson (University of Western Ontario, Canada): General aspects of
stable isotopes in animal ecology
Dr. Stefania Milano (Leibniz-IZW): Analytical tools for analysing isotope data (MixSIAR
and SIBER)
Dr. David Soto (UK Centre for Ecology and hydrology, UK): Stable isotopes in limnology
Prof. Dr. John Speakman (University of Aberdeen, U.K.): Stable isotopes in aniaml
PD Dr. Christian Voigt (IZW): Stable isotope ecology of mammals
Dr. Len Wassenaar (IAEA, Vienna, Austria): Stable isotopes in hydrology
Prof. Dr. Roland Werner (ETH Zurich, Switzerland): Stable carbon and hydrogen
isotopes in plants
For questions, please contact Dr. Anne Seltmann at akademie@izw-berlin.de, or Dr. Christian Voigt at voigt@izw-berlin.de
Thank you for attending the 3rd International Summer School on Stable Isotopes in Animal Ecology
When: 10-14. September 2018
Where: Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research in Berlin (IZW), Germany
External Lecturers:
Prof. Dr. Keith Hobson (University of Western Ontario, Canada)
Prof. Dr. Gabe Bowen (University of Salt Lake City, U.S.A.)
Dr. Matthias Saurer (Birmersdorf, Switzerland)
Dr. Len Wassenaar (IAEA, Vienna, Austria)
Prof. Dr. Gabe Bowen (University of Utah, U.S.A.)
Prof. dr. Jonathan Grey (University of Lancaster, U.K.)
Prof. Dr. Thomas Tuetken (Universität Mainz)
Cesie lecturers:
PD Dr. Christian Voigt (IZW)
Dr. Alexandre Courtiol (IZW)
Kseniia Kravchenko (IZW)
Cecilia Krupcynski de Assis (IZW)
Course on human-wildlife conflicts (Freie Universität Berlin, summer 2017): Checking out some wolf tracks and some scat in southern Brandenburg with course members and the local guide Stefan Kaasch
23.11.2016: During this one-day public event, we reviewed the current understanding of how artifiicial light affects bats. Bats are legally protected in the E.U., yet they are highly susceptible towards artificial light because of their nocturnal lifestyle. During the symposium, some of the key experts in the E.U. summarized their findings, particularly in relation to management recommendations. The one-day event was followed by a 2-day workshop which was restricted to EUROBATS intersessional working group members.
When: 12-16. September 2016
Where: Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research in Berlin (IZW), Germany
External Lecturers:
Prof. Dr. Keith Hobson (University of Western Ontario, Canada)
Prof. Dr. Roland Werner (ETH Zurich, Switzerland)
Dr. Len Wassenaar (IAEA, Vienna, Austria)
Dr. David Soto (University of Saskatoon, Canada)
Prof. Dr. Stuart Bearhop (University of Exeter, U.K.)
Prof. Dr. Jon Grey (Lancaster University, U.K.)
Dr. Martina Burnik-Sturm (University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna, Austria)
Cesie lecturers:
PD Dr. Christian Voigt (IZW)
PD Dr. Ulrich Struck (Museum of Natural History, Berlin)
Dr. Stephanie Kramer-Schadt (IZW)
Dr. Alexandre Courtiol (IZW)
Course on human-wildlife conflicts (Freie Universität Berlin; Summer 2016): Excursion to the Dessau area to visit some of the conflict sites of the expanding beaver populations.
1st International Summer School on Stable Isotopes in Animal Ecology
International field course on tropical bats (2.-11.8.2011)
La Selva Biological Station in Costa Rica
23 student participants from United Kingdom, Costa Rica and Germany
Lecturers: PD Dr. Christian Voigt (IZW), Dr. Marc Holderied (U Bristol), Prof Dr. Constance Scharff (Freie Universität Berlin), Dr. Beth Clare (U Bristol), Prof. Dr. Arturo Zychlinsky (MPI for Infection Biology), Dr. Gabor Czirjak (IZW), Dr. Bernal Rodriguez (UCR), Dr. Gloriana Chaverri (Boston U)
International field course on desert-dwelling bats (1.-12.8.2011)
Sde Boqer Campus of the Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel
22 student participants from United Kingdom, Israel and Germany
Lecturers: Prof. Dr. Berry Pinshow (Ben-Gurion U), Dr. Carmi Korine (Ben-Gurion U), Dr. Marc Holderied (U Bristol), PD Dr. Christian Voigt (IZW)
International field course on desert-dwelling bats (2009)
Sde Boqer Campus of the Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel
21 student participants from United Kingdom, Israel and Germany
Lecturers: Prof. Dr. Berry Pinshow (Ben-Gurion U), Dr. Carmi Korine (Ben-Gurion U), Dr. Marc Holderied (U Bristol), PD Dr. Christian Voigt (IZW)
International field course on desert-dwelling bats (2008)
Sde Boqer Campus of the Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel
20 student participants from United Kingdom, Israel and Germany
Lecturers: Prof. Dr. Berry Pinshow (Ben-Gurion U), Dr. Carmi Korine (Ben-Gurion U), Dr. Marc Holderied (U Bristol), PD Dr. Christian Voigt (IZW)
Field course on tropical ecology (Humboldt University Berlin) in 2006
at Tiputini Biodiversity Station in Ecuador
Field course on tropical ecology (Humboldt University Berlin) in 2004
at La Selva Biological Station