6th International Berlin Bat Meeting (22.-24.3.2021): The human perspective on bats
Sessions: Bats and viruses, bat health and one health, bats in anthropogenic landscapes, ecosystem services, bat citizen science projects, conservation marketing
Plenary speakers: Prof. Dr. Felix Drexler, Dr. Jon Epstein, Prof. Dr. Tigga Kingston, Dr. Kirsten Jung, Dr. Susan Tsang, Prof. Dr. Dolf de Groot, Prof. Dr. Heidi Ballard,
Chairpersons: Dr Fabian Leendertz, Dr Victor Corman, Dr Kendra Phelps, Prof Dr Fiona Mathews, Dr Leonardo Ancilotto, Dr Ricardo Rocha, Dr Ewan McDonald, Dr Niamh Roche, Dr. Daniel Lewanzik, Prof. Dr. Tigga Kingston, PD Dr. Christian Voigt,
The 6th IBBM was financially supported by the the IZW and the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
5th International Berlin Bat Meeting (24.-26.2.2017): Are bats special?
Sessions: Radiation and innovation in bats, bat flight, longevity, immunology and pathogens, vocaliations (Echolocation and vocal learning), bat conservation
Plenary speakers: Prof. Dr. Emma Teeling, Prof. Dr. Anders Hedenström, Prof. Dr. Jerry Wilkinson, Prof. Dr. Cynthia Moss, Prof. Dr. Michelle Baker, Prof. Dr. Paul Racey
Chairpersons: Dr. Holger Görlitz, Dr. Mirjam Knörnschild, Prof. Dr. Tigga Kingston, Dr. David Costantini, Dr. Joanna Kazprzyk, Prof. Dr. Lutz Wiegrebe, Dr. Sonja Vernes, Dr. Teague O'Mara
The 5th IBBM was financially supported by the the IZW, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Eurobats
4th International Berlin Bat Meeting (15.-18.3.2015)
Movement Ecology of Bats
Sessions: Movement Ecology, GPS tracking of bats, Movement Ecology and sociality, Conservation Biology, Movement Ecology and Infectious Diseases
Plenary speakers: Dr. Marc Holderied, Prof. Dr. Gerald Kerth, Prof. Dr. Yossi Yovel, Prof. Dr. Sharon Swartz, Prof. Dr. Marco Mello, Dr. Richard Holland (represented by Stefan Greif), Dr. Winifred Frick
Chairpersons: Dr. Holger Görlitz, Dr. Mirjam Knörnschild, Dr. Raina Plowright, Dr. Dina Dechmann, Prof. Dr. Ran Nathan, Prof. Dr. Tigga Kingston, Prof. Dr. Anders Hedenström, Dr. Liam McGuire, Dr. Frieder Mayer, Dr. Stephanie Kramer-Schadt
funded by the IZW, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Eurobats
Third International Berlin Bat Meeting (1.-3.3.2013)
Bats in the Anthropocene
Sessions: Emerging viral diseases in bats, White-nose syndrome, Bats in disturbed habitats, Bats and urbanization, Bats and ecosystem services
Plenary speakers: Prof. Dr. Kate Jones, Prof. Dr. Christian Drosten, Prof. Dr. Robert Barclay, Prof. Dr. Sara Bumrungsri, more to be announced
Chairpersons: Dr. Jens Rydell, Dr. Sebastien Puechmaille, Dr. Craig Willis, PD Dr. Frieder Mayer, Dr. Gudrun Wibbelt, Dr. Charles Rupprecht, Dr. Jon Epstein, Dr. Matt Struebig, Prof. Dr. Gary McCracken, Prof. Dr. Paul Racey, Prof. Dr. Tigga Kingston,
funded by the IZW, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Eurobats
Check out the publication of the book "Bats in the Anthropocene: Conservation of bats in a changing world" (eds. Voigt, C.C., Kingston, T.) to be published as an e-book by Springer in August/September 2015
Second International Berlin Bat Meeting (Feb 2010):
Bats and Emerging Infectious Diseases
Sessions: Bats and rabies, white-nose syndrome, emerging viral diseases, bats and parasites, bat immunology and immunogenetics, bat diseases and the public
Plenary speakers: Prof. Dr. Paul Racey, Prof. Dr. Hume Fields, Dr. David Blehert, Prof. Tony Fooks, Dr. Carl Dick
More than 300 participants from more than 25 countries
Financially supported by Eurobats and Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
Check out the review paper on WNS published in TREE that was initiated at the end of the 2nd IBBM
Puechmaille, S.J., Frick, W.F., Kunz, T.H., Racey, P.A., Voigt, C.C., Wibbelt, G., Teeling, E.C. (2011) White Nose Syndrome: An emerging disease threat to temperate zone bats. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 26: 570-576
First International Berlin Bat Meeting (Jan 2009):
Bat Migration
Sessions: Migratory connectivity and phenology, physiology and behaviour, population genetics and mating systems, migratory bats and windfarms
Plenary speakers: Prof. Dr. Thomas H. Kunz, Prof. Dr. Martin Wikelski, Prof. Dr. Jerry Wilkinson, Dr. Paul Cryan
More than 300 participants from more than 25 countries
Financially supported by Eurobats and Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
Read the special feature published in Journal of Mammalogy about Bat Migration.
This is the citation of our introductory review paper:
Popa-Lisseanu, A., Voigt, C.C. (2009) Bats on the move. Journal of Mammalogy 90: 1283-1290.
Please contact biblio@izw-berlin.de in case you are interested in an abstract book of past conferences
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