219. Voigt, C.C., Azam, C., Dekker, J., Ferguson, J., Fritze, M., Gazaryan, S., Hölker, F.,
Jones, G., Leader, N., Lewanzik, D., Mathews, F., Rydell, J., Schoefield, H., Spoelstra, K.,
Zagmajster, M. (2019) Leitfaden für die Berücksichtigung von Fledermäusen bei
Beleuchtungsprojekten (dt. Übersetzung). EUROBATS publication series. ISBN 978-92-
218. Marx, M., Lormee, H., Fraud, C., Rocha, G., Zehtinijiev, P., Peev, S., Bakaloudis, D.,
Metzger, B., Cecere, J.C., Spina, F., Cianchetti-Benedetti, M., Frahnert, S., Gramauf,
A., Voigt, C.C., Quillfeldt, P. (2019) Stable isotope assignment of migrating European Turtle
doves (Streptopelia turtur) to breeding ranges in Europe. Conservation Science and
Practice. accepted.
217. Voigt, C.C., Straka, T., Fritze, M. (2019) Producing wind energy at the cost of
biodiversity: A stakeholder view on a green-green dilemma. Journal of Renewable
and Sustainable Energy. 11: 063303 doi: 10.1063/1.5118784
216. Fritze, M., Costantini, D., Fickel, J., Wehner, D., Czirjak, G.A., Voigt, C.C. (2019)
Immune response of hibernating European bats to a fungal challenge. Biology Open
215. Voigt, C.C., Kravchenko, K., Liechti, F., Bumrungsri, S. (2019) Skyrocketing flights as a
previously unrecognized behaviour of open-space foraging bats. Acta Chiropterologica
21: 331-339
214. Voigt, C.C., Rosner, E., Guglielmo, C.G., Currie, S.E. (2019) Fatty acid profiles of the
European migratory common noctule bat. Science of Nature 106:33.
213. Heim, O., Heim, D.N., Luo, Y., Marggraf, L., Voigt, C.C., Zheng, J. (2019) Variant maps for
bat echolocation call identification algorithms. Bioacoustics 1-15.
212. Schwemmer, P., Corman, A.M., Koch, D., Borrmann, R.M., Koschorreck, J., Voigt, C.C.,
Garthe, S. (2019) Charakterisierung der Habitatwahl von Silbermöwen Larus argentatus
durch GPS-Datenlogger zur Einschätzung der Schadstoffbelastung an der deutschen
Nordseeküste. Vogelwarte 57: 13-30.
211. Costantini, D., Czirjak, G., Bustamante, P., Bumrungsri, S., Voigt, C.C. (2019) Impacts of
land use on an insectivorous tropical bat: the importance of mercury, physio-immunology and
trophic position. Science of the Total Environment 671: 1077-1085.
210. Straka, T.M., Wolf, M., Gras,P., Buchholz, S., Voigt, C.C. (2019) Tree cover mediates the
effect of artificial light on urban bats. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution
209. Lindecke, O., Elksne, A., Holland, R.A., Petersons, G., Voigt, C.C. (2019) Experienced
migratory bats integrate the sun's position at dusk for navigation at night. Current Biology
208. Kravchenko, K., Lehnert, L.S., Vlaschenko, A.S., Voigt, C.C. (2019) Multiple isotope
tracers in fur keratin discriminate between mothers and offspring. Rapid Communication in
Mass Spectrometry 33: 907-913.
207. Troxell, S.A., Holderied, M.W., Petersons, G., Voigt, C.C. (2019) Nathusius' bats optimize
long-distance migration by flying at maximum range speed. Journal of Experimental
Biology. 222: jeb176396
206. Lindecke, O., Elksne, A., Holland, R.A., Petersons, G., Voigt, C.C. (2019) Orientation and
flight behaviour identify the Soprano pipistrelle as a mirgatory species at the Baltic Sea coast.
Journal of Zoology. 308: 56-65.
205. Voigt, C.C., Bumrungsri, S., Roeleke, M. (2019) Rapid descent flight by a molossid bat
(Chaerephon plicatus) returning to its cave. Mammal Biology. 95: 15-17.
204. Fritze, M., Lehnert, L.S., Heim, O., Lindecke, O., Roeleke, M., Voigt, C.C. (2019)
Fledermausschutz im Schatten der Windkraftanlagen - Deutschlands Experten vermissen
Transparenz und bundesweite Standards in den Genehmigungsverfahren (Bat conservation
in the shadow of wind turbines - Germany's experts miss transparency and nationwide
standards in the approval procedures). Naturschutz und Landschaftspflege. 51:20-27.