126. Greiner, S., Nagy, M., Knörnschild, M., Mayer, F., Hofer, H., Voigt, C.C. (2013) Sex-
biased senescenec in a polygynous bat species. Ethology 119:1-9.
125. Schneeberger, K., Czirjak, G.A., Voigt, C.C. (2013) Inflammatory challenge
increases measures of oxidative stress in a free-ranging, long-lived mammal. Journal
of Experimental Biology. 216:4514-4519.
124. Lehmann, D., Mfune, J.K.E., Gewers, E., Cloete, J., Brain, C., Voigt, C.C. (2013)
Dietary plasticity of generalist and specialist ungulates in the Namibian desert: A
stable isotope approach. PlosONE 8: e72190.
123. Corman, V.M., Rasche, A., Diallo, T.D., Cottontail, V.M., Stöcker, A., Souza, B.F.
Correa, J.I., Carneiro, A.J.B. Franke, C.R., Knörnschild, K., Kalko, E.K.V., Ghanem,
S.J., Morales, K.D.S., Salsamendi, E., Spinola, M., Herrler, G., Voigt C.C., Tschapka,
M., Drosten, C., Drexler, J.F. (2013) Highly diversified coronaviruses in neotropical
bats. Journal of Virology. 94:1984-1994.
122. Masello, J.F., Wikelski, M., Voigt, C.C. Quillfeldt, P. (2013) Distribution patterns
predict individual specialization in the diet of Dolphin Gulls. PLOSONE. 8: e67714.
121. Otalora-Ardila, A., Herrera, L.G., Flores-MartinezJ.J., Voigt, C.C. (2013) Marine
and terrestrial food sources in the diet of the Myotis fishing bat (Myotis vivesi).
Journal of Mammalogy. 94:1102-1110.
120. Voigt, C.C. (2013) Sexual selection in neotropical bats. In: Sexual Selection—
Perspectives and models from the Neotropics (R.H. Machedo, G. Machado, Eds.)
Elsevier. accepted
119. Klöckner, P., Stefanski, V., Voigt, C.C. (2013) Testing blood-sucking bugs
(Triatominae, Heteroptera) as a blood-sampling technique to evaluate white blood
cell subsets. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Diseases of Zoo and
Wildlife Animals (Grobbel M, Szentiks CA, Seet S, Schumann A eds)
118. Tomlinson, S., Maloney, S.K., Withers, P.C., Voigt, C.C., Cruz-Neto, A.P. (2013)
From doubly labelled water to half-life: Validating radio-isotopic rubidium turnover
to measure metabolism in small vertebrates. Methods in Ecology and Evolution. 4:
117. Voigt, C.C., Melzheimer, J., Thalwitzer, S., Wachter, B. (2013) A breath test
to assign carnivore diets to grazers or browsers. Wildlife Biology. 19: 311-316.
116. Dechmann, D.K.N., Wikelski, M., van Nordwijk, H.J., Voigt, C.C., Voigt-Heucke,
S. (2013) Metabolic costs of bat echolocation in a non-foraging context support a
role in communication. Frontiers in Integrative Physiology. 4: article 66.
115. von Busse, R., Swartz, S., Voigt, C.C. (2013) Flight metabolism in relation to speed
in Chiroptera: Testing the U-shape paradigm in the short-tailed fruit bat Carollia
perspecillata. Journal of Experimental Biology. 216: 2073-2080.
114. Voigt, C.C. (2013) Bat flight with bad wings: Is flight metabolism affected by
damaged wings? Journal of Experimental Biology. 216: 1516-1521.s.
113. Ghanem, S.J., Ruppert, H., Kunz, T.H., Voigt, C.C. (2013) Frugivorous bats drink
nutrient-and clay-enriched water in the Amazon rain forest: support for a dual
function of mineral-lick visits. Journal of Tropical Ecology 29: 1-10..
112. Schneeberger, K., Czirják, G., Voigt, C.C. (2013) Measures of the constitutive
immune system are linked to diet and roosting habits of Neotropical bat
species. PlosONE 8: e54023.
111. Ludynia, K., Dehnhard, N., Poisbleau, M., Demongin, L., Masello, J.F.,
Voigt, C.C., Quillfeldt, P. (2013) Sexual segregation in rockhopper penguins during
incubation. Animal Behaivor. 85: 255-267.
110. Maggini, I. Spina, F., Voigt, C.C., Ferri, A., Bairlein, F. (2013) Differential migration
and body condition in Northern Wheatears (Oenanthe oenanthe) at a
Mediterranean spring stopover site. Journal of Ornithology 154: 321-328.
109. Voigt, C.C., Schneeberger, K., Luckner, A. (2013) Ecological and dietary correlates
of stable hydrogen isotope ratios in fur and body water of syntopical tropical
bats. Ecology 94:346–355.
108. Voigt, C.C., Borissov, I., Voigt-Heucke, S.L. (2012) Terrestrial locomotion
imposes high metabolic requirements on bats. Journal of Experimental
Biology. 215:4340-4344.
107. Ossa, G., Kramer-Schadt, S., Peel, A.J., Scharf, A.K., Voigt, C.C. (2012) The
movement ecology of the straw-colored fruit bat, Eidolon helvum , in sub-
Saharan Africa assessed by stable isotope ratios. PLOS ONE 7: e45729.
106. Voigt, C.C., Sörgel., K., Suba, J., Keiss, O., Pettersons, G. (2012) The insectivorous bat Pipistrellus nathusii uses a mixed-fuel strategy to power autumn migration. Proceedings of the Royal Society London B 279: 3772-3778.
105. Schad, J., Dechmann, D.K.N., Voigt, C.C., Sommer, S. (2012) The adaptive immune gene consitution mediates the trade-off between parasite defence and reproductive condition in a free-ranging mammal. PLoS ONE 7: e37101.
104. Voigt, C.C., Lewanzik, D. (2012) 'No cost of echolocaton for flying bats' revisited. Journal of Comparative Physiology B 182: 831-840.
103. Voigt, C.C., Popa-Lisseanu A.G., Niermann, I. Kramer-Schadt, S. (2012) The catchment area of wind farms for European bats: A plea for international regulations. Biological Conservation. 153: 80-86.
102. Lewanzik, D., Kelm, D.H., Greiner, S., Dehnhard, M., Voigt, C.C. (2012) Ecological correlates of cortisol levels in two bat species with contrasting feeding habits. General and Comparative Endocrinology 177: 104-112.
101. Schad, J., Greiner, S., Dechmann, D.K.N., Voigt, C.C., Sommer, S. (2012) Independent evolution of functional MHC class II DRB genes in neotropical batspecies. Immunogenetics 64: 535-547.
100. Bairlein, F., Norris, D.R., Nagel, R., Bulte, M, Voigt, C.C., Fox, J.W., Jussel, D., Schmaljohann, H. (2012) Cross-hemisphere migration of a 25-gram songbird.Biology Letters8: 505-507.
99. Nagy M., Knörnschild M., Voigt, C.C., Mayer F. (2012) The evolution of reversed sex-biased philopatry in a social bat: The role of direct and indirect fitness benefits. Behavioral Ecology 23: 597-606.
98. Ghanem, S.J., Voigt, C.C. (2012) Increasing awareness of ecosystem services provided by bats. Advances in the Study of Behavior. 44: 279-302.
97. Dumont, E.R., Dávalos, L.M., Goldberg, A., Santana, S.E., Rex, K., Voigt, C.C. (2012) Morphological innovation, diversification and invasion of a new adaptive zone. Proceedings of the Royal Society London: Biological Sciences 279: 1797-1805.
96. Voigt, C.C., Voigt-Heucke, S.L., Kretzschmar, A. (2012) Isotopic evidence for seed transfer from successional area into forests by short-tailed fruit bats (genus Carollia; Phyllostomidae). Journal of Tropical Ecology 28:181-186.
95. Voigt, C.C., Voigt-Heucke, S., Schneeberger, K. (2012) Isotopic data do not support food sharing within large networks of female vampire bats (Desmodus rotundus) Ethology 118: 260-268.
94. Voigt, C.C., Holderied, M.W. (2012) High maneuvering costs force narrow-winged molossid bats to forage in open space. Journal of Comparative Physiology B 182: 415-424.
93. Popa-Lisseanu A.G., Soergel, K., Luckner, A., Wassenaar, L.I., Ibáñez, C., Ciechanowski, M., Görföl, T., Niermann, I., Beuneux, G., Myslajek, R., Juste, J., Fonderflick, J., Kramer-Schadt, S., Kelm, D.H., Voigt, C.C. (2012) A triple isotope approach to predict breeding origins of European bats. PLoS ONE 7: e30388
92. Greiner, S., Dehnhard, M., Voigt, C.C. (2011) Differences in plasma testosterone levels related to social status are more pronounced during mating- than non-mating season in the tropical bat Saccopteryx bilineata. Canadian Journal of Zoology 89: 1157-1163.
91. Erzberger, A., Popa-Lisseanu, A.G., Lehmann, G.U.C., Voigt, C.C. (2011) Potential and limits in detecting altitudinal movements of bats using stable hydrogen isotope ratios of fur keratin. Acta Chiropterologica 13: 431-438.
90. Puechmaille, S.J., Frick, W.F., Kunz, T.H., Racey, P.A., Voigt, C.C., Wibbelt, G., Teeling, E.C. (2011) White Nose Syndrome: An emerging disease threat to temperate zone bats. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 26: 570-576
89. Caspers, B.A., Schröder, F.C., Franke, S., Voigt, C.C. (2011) Scents of adolescence: the maturation of wing sac odour in greater sac-winged bats, Saccopteryx bilineata. PLoS ONE 6: e21162.
88. Matuszak, A., Voigt C.C., Storch, I., Bauer, H.-G., Quillfeldt, P. (2011) Depth-specific and spatiotemporal variation of δ13C and δ15N in Charophytes of Lake Constance: Implications for food web studies. Rapid Communication in Mass Spectrometry 25: 2089-2094.
87. Kelm, D.H., Simon, R., Kuhlow, D., Voigt, C.C., Ristow, M. (2011) High activity enables life on a high sugar diet: blood glucose regulation in nectar-feeding bats. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London: Biological Sciences 278: 3490-3496.
85. Voigt, C.C., Schneeberger, K., Voigt-Heucke, S.L., Lewanzik, D. (2011) Rain increases the energy cost of bat flight. Biology Letters 7: 793-795.
84. Dehnhard, N., Voigt, C.C., Poisbleau, M., Demongin, L., Quillfeldt, P. (2011) Stable isotopes in southern rockhopper penguins: foraging areas and sexual differences in the non-breeding period. Polar Biology 11: 1763-1773.
83. Rex, K., Michener, R., Kunz, T.H., Voigt, C.C. (2011) Vertical stratification of Neotropical leaf-nosed bats (Phyllostomidae: Chiroptera) revealed by stable carbon isotopes Journal of Tropical Ecology 27: 211-222.
82. Siemers, B.M., Greif, S., Borissov, I., Voigt-Heucke, S.L., Voigt, C.C. (2011) Divergent trophic levels in two cryptic sibling bat species. Oecologia 166: 69-78.
81. Schad, J., Dechmann, D.K.N., Voigt, C.C., Sommer, S. (2011) MHC class II DRB diversity, selection pattern and population structure in a neotropical bat species, Noctilio albiventris. Heredity 107: 115–126.
80. Meyer, C.F.J., Aguiar, L.M.S., Aguirre, L.F. Baumgarten, J., Clarke, F.M., Cosson, J.-F., Villegas, S.E., Fahr, J., Faria, D., Furey, N., Henry, M., Hodgkison, R., Jenkins, R.K.B., Jung, K.G., Pons, J.-M., Kunz, T.H., MacSwiney Gonzalez, M.C., Moya, I., Voigt, C.C., von Staden, D., Weise, C.D., Kalko, E.K.V. (2011) Estimating species richness and detectability in tropical bat surveys. Journal of Applied Ecology 48: 777-787.
79. Voigt, C.C., Lewanzik, D. (2011) Trapped in the darkness of the night: Thermal and energetic constraints of daylight flight in bats. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London: Biological Sciences 278: 2311-2317.
78. Greiner, S., Schwarzenberger, F., Voigt, C.C. (2011) Predictable timing of oestrus in the tropical batSaccopteryx bilineata living in a Costa Rican rain forest. Journal of Tropical Ecology 27: 121-131.
77. Schinnerl, M., Aydinonat, D., Schwarzenberger, F., Voigt, C.C. (2011) Hematological Survey of Common Neotropical Bat Species from Costa Rica. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 42: 382-391.
76. Hambly, C., Voigt, C.C. (2011) Measuring energy expenditure in birds using bolus injections of 13C labelled Na-bicarbonate. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A. 158: 323-328.
75. Voigt, C.C., Akbar Z., Kunz, T.H., Kingston, T. (2011) The origin of assimilated proteins in Old and New-World phytophagous bats. Biotropica 43:108-113.
74. Masello, J.F., Mundry, R., Poisbleau, M., Demongin, L., Voigt, C.C., Wikelski, M., Quillfeldt, P.
(2010) Diving seabirds share space and time: Inter- and intra-specific
segregation. Ecosphere 1: article 19.
73. Hölker, F., Moss, T., Griefahn, B., Kloas, W., Voigt, C.C., Henckel, D., Hänel, A., Kappeler, P.M., Völker, S., Schwope, A., Franke, S., Uhrlandt, D., Fischer, J., Wolter, C., Tockner, K. (2010) The dark side of light - A transdisciplinary research agenda for light pollution policy. Ecology and Society 15: 13-23.
72. Meyer, C.F.J., Aguiar, L.M.S., Aguirre, L.F. Baumgarten, J., Clarke, F.M., Cosson, J.-F., Villegas, S.E., Fahr, J., Faria, D., Furey, N., Henry, M., Hodgkison, R., Jenkins, R.K.B., Jung, K.G., Pons, J.-M., Kunz, T.H., MacSwiney Gonzalez, M.C., Moya, I., Voigt, C.C., von Staden, D., Weise, C.D., Kalko, E.K.V. (2010) Long-term monitoring of tropical bats for anthropogenic impact assessment: Gauging the statistical power to detect population change. Biological Conservation 143: 2797-2807.
71. Voigt, C.C. (2010) Insights into Strata Use of Forest Animals using the ‘Canopy Effect’ Biotropica 42: 634-637.
70. Greiner, S., Stefanski, V., Dehnhard, M., Voigt, C.C. (2010) Plasma testosterone levels decrease after activation of skin immune system in a free-ranging mammal. General and Comparative Endocrinology 168: 466-473.
69. Amitai, O. Amichai, E., Holtze, S., Barkan, S., Korine, C., Pinshow, B., Voigt, C.C. (2010) Fruit bats (Pteropodidae) fuel their metabolism rapidly and directly with exogenous sugars. Journal of Experimental Biology 213: 2693-2699.
68. Wibbelt, G., Moore, M., Schountz, T. Voigt, C.C. (2010) Emerging diseases in Chiroptera: Why bats? Biology Letters 6: 438-440.
67. Hoffmann, A., Decher, J., Rovero, F., Schaer, J., Voigt, C.C., Wibbelt, G. (2010) Chapter 22: Field Methods and Techniques for Monitoring Mammals In: ABCTaxa in press
66. Voigt, C.C., Schuller, B.M., Greif, S., Siemers, B.M. (2010) Perch-hunting in insectivorous Rhinolophus bats is related to the high energy costs of manoeuvring in flight. Journal of Comparative Physiology B 180:1079-1088.
65. Voigt, C.C., Sörgel, K., Dechmann, D.K.N. (2010) Refuelling while flying: Foraging bats combust food rapidly and directly to fuel flight. Ecology 91:2908-2917.
64. Quillfeldt P., Voigt, C.C., Masello, J.F. (2010) Plasticity versus repeatability in seabird migratory behaviour. Behavioural Ecology and Sociobiology 64: 1157-1164.
63. Rex, K., Czaczkes, B.I., Michener, R., Kunz, T.H., Voigt, C.C. (2010) Specialisation and omnivory in diverse mammalian assemblages. Ecoscience 17:37-46.
62. Bass, M., Finer, M., Jenkins, C.N., Kreft, H., Cisneros-Heredia, D.F., McCracken, S.F., Pitman, N.C.A., English, P.A., Swing, K., Villa, G., DiFiore, A., Voigt, C.C., Kunz, T.H. (2010) Global conservation significance of Ecuador’s Yasuní National Park PLoS ONE 5, e8767.
61. Vos, A., Müller, T., Neubert, L., Voigt, C.C. (2010) Validation of a less-invasive blood sampling technique in rabies serology using Reduviid bugs (Triatominae, Hemiptera). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 41: 63-68.
60. Jewgenow, K., Braun, B.C., Göritz, F., Voigt, C.C., Martínez, F., Anaya, L., Vargas, A., Dehnhard, M. (2009) Pregnancy diagnosis in Iberian lynx (Lynx pardinus) based on urinary and blood plasma hormones. In: Iberian Lnyx ex situ conservation: An interdisciplinary approach (A. Vargas, Breitenmoser, C., Breitenmoser, U. eds): Fundacion Biodiversidad/ICN Cat Specialist Group. Pp. 377 – 391.
59. Dechmann, D.K.N., John, L., Nowak, T., Voigt, C.C, (2009) Polymorphic microsatellites for the lesser bulldog bat (Noctilio albiventris) cross-amplify with close and distant relatives. Conservation Genetics Resources 1: 167-170.
58. Popa-Lisseanu, A., Voigt, C.C. (2009) Bats on the move. Journal of Mammalogy 90: 1283-1290.
57. Dechmann, D.K.N., Heucke, S.L., Guggioli L., Safi, K., Voigt, C.C., Wikelski, M. (2009) Experimental evidence for group hunting via eavesdropping in echolocating bats. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London: Biological Sciences 276:2721-2728.
56. Caspers, B., Voigt, C.C. (2009) Temporal and spatial distribution of male scent marks in the polygynous greater sac-winged bat. Ethology 115: 713-720
55. Voigt, C.C. (2009) Studying animal diets in-situ using portable infra-red stable isotope analyzers. Biotropica 41:271-274.
54. Voigt, C.C., Cruz-Neto A. (2009) Energetic analysis. In: Ecological and Behavioral Methods for the Study of Bats (eds. T.H. Kunz, S. Parsons). The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore. Pp. 623-645.
53. Voigt, C.C., Kelm, D.H., Bradley, B., Ortmann, S. (2009) Dietary analysis of plant-visiting bats. In: Ecological and Behavioral Methods for the Study of Bats (eds. T.H. Kunz, S. Parsons). The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore. Pp. 593-609.
52. Braun, B.C., Frank, A., Dehnhard,,M., Voigt C.C., Vargas, A., Göritz,, F., Jewgenow, K. (2009) Pregnancy diagnosis in urine of Iberian lynx (Lynx pardinus). Theriogenology 71: 754-761.
51. Caspers, B., Schroeder, F.C., Meinwald, J., Franke, S. , Streich, W.J., Voigt, C.C. (2009) Odour-based species recognition in two sympatric species of sac-winged bats (Saccopteryx bilineata, S. leptura): Combining chemical analysis, behavioral observation and odour preference tests. Behavioural Ecology and Sociobiology 63: 741-749.
50. Caspers, B., Wibbelt, G., Voigt, C.C. (2009) Histological examinations of facial glands in Saccopteryx bilineata (Chiroptera, Emballonuridae), and their potential use in territorial marking. Zoomorphology 128: 37-43.
49. Voigt, C.C., Kretzschmar, A.S., Speakman, J.R., Lehmann, G.U.C. (2008) Female katydids fuel their metabolism with nuptial gifts. Biology Letters 4: 476-478.
48. Voigt, C.C., Baier, L., Speakman, J.R., Siemers, B.M. (2008) Stable carbon isotopes in exhaled breath as tracers for dietary information in birds and mammals. Journal of Experimental Biology 211: 2233-2238.
47. Voigt, C.C., Rex, K., Michener, R.H., Speakman, J.R. (2008) Nutrient routing in omnivorous animals tracked by stable carbon isotopes in tissue and exhaled breath. Oecologia 157: 31-40.
46. Voigt, C.C., Behr, O., Caspers, B., von Helversen, O., Knörnschild, M., Mayer, F., Nagy, M. (2008) Songs, scents, and senses: Sexual selection in the mating system of the greater sac-winged bat, Saccopteryx bilineata. Journal of Mammalogy 89:1401-1410.
45. Kelm, D.H., Schaer, J., Ortmann, S., Wibbelt G., Speakman J.R., Voigt C.C. (2008) Efficiency of facultative frugivory in a nectar specialist, the bat Glossophaga commissarisi (Chiroptera: Phyllostomidae). Journal of Comparative Physiology B 178: 985-996.
44. Arnold, J., Oswald, S.A., Voigt, C.C., Palme, R., Braasch, A., Bauch, C., Becker, P.H. (2008) Taking the stress out of blood collection: Comparison of field blood-sampling techniques for analysis of baseline corticosterone. Journal of Avian Biology 39: 588-592.
43. Voigt, C.C., Capps, K., Dechmann, D.K.N., Michener, R.H., Kunz, T.H. (2008) Nutrition or Detoxification: Why bats visit mineral licks of the Amazon Rainforest? PLoS ONE 3, e2011.
42. Rex, K., Kelm, D.H., Wiesner, K., Matt, F., Kunz, T.H., Voigt, C.C. (2008) Structure of three Neotropical bat assemblages. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 94: 617-629.
41. Voigt, C.C., Grasse, P., Rex, K., Hetz, S.K., Speakman, J.R. (2008) Bat breath reveals metabolic substrate use in free-ranging vampires. Journal of Comparative Physiology B 178:9-16.
40. Voigt, C.C., Schwarzenberger, F. (2008) Reproductive endocrinology of a small tropical mammal (female Saccopteryx bilineata; Emballonuridae) monitored by fecal hormone metabolites. Journal of Mammalogy 89:50-57.
39. Caspers, B., Franke S., Voigt, C.C. (2008) The wing-sac odour of male greater sac-winged bats Saccopteryx bilineata (Emballonuridae) as a composite trait: Seasonal and individual differences. In: Chemical Signals in Vertebrates XI. eds Hurst, J., Beynon, R, Müller-Schwarze D., Springer, Berlin New York, 151-160.
38. Müller, K., Voigt, C.C., Jens Raila, Andrea Hurtienne, Marianne Vater, Leo Brunnberg, Florian J. Schweigert (2007) Levels of carotenoids, retinol and a-tocopherol in plasma of six microchiroptera species. Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry A 147:492-497.
37. Hoffmann, F.F., Hejduk, J., Caspers, B., Siemers, B.M., Voigt, C.C. (2007) In the mating system of S. bilineata, bioacoustic constraints impede male eavesdropping on female echolocation calls for their surveillance. Canadian Journal of Zoology 85: 863-872.
36. Voigt, C.C., Speakman, J.R. (2007) Nectar-feeding bats fuel their high metabolism directly with exogenous carbohydrates. Functional Ecology 21: 913-921.
35. Voigt, C.C., Dehnhard, M., Streich, W.J. (2007) Assessment of fecal testosterone metabolite analysis in free-ranging Saccopteryx bilineata (Chiroptera: Emballonuridae). Acta Chiropterologica 9(2):463-476.
34. Nagy, M., Heckel, G., Voigt, C.C., Mayer, F. (2007) Patrilineal social system drives female dispersal in a polygynous bat. Proceedings of the Royal Society: Biological Sciences 274:3019-3025.
33. Voigt C.C., Dechmann D.K.N., Bender J., Rinehart J.B., Michener R.H., Kunz T.H. (2007) Mineral licks attract neotropical seed-dispersing bats. International Journal of Ecology, Article ID 34212.
32. Voigt, C.C., Kelm, D.H., Visser, H. (2006) Diet and field metabolic rate in two phytophagous bats: Do pollinator strategies make life spin faster? Journal of Comparative Physiology B 176: 213-222.
31. Voigt, C.C., Kelm, D.H. (2006) Host preference of the common vampire bat Desmodus rotundus assessed by stable isotopes. Journal of Mammalogy 87:1-6.
30. Becker P.H., Voigt C.C., Arnold, J.M., Nagel R. (2006) A technique to bleed incubating birds without trapping: A blood-sucking bug in a hollow egg. Journal for Ornithology (Springer) 147: 115-118.
29. Voigt, C.C., Kelm, D.H. (2006) Host preferences of bat flies: Following the bloody path of stable isotopes in a host-parasite food chain. Canadian Journal of Zoology 84(3): 397-403
28. Voigt, C.C., Lehmann, G.U.C., Michener, R., Joachimski, M.M. (2006) Nuptial feeding is reflected in tissue nitrogen isotope ratios of female katydids. Functional Ecology 20: 656–661
27. Voigt, C.C., Peschel, U., Wibbelt, G., Frölich, K. (2006) Validation of a new and less stressful blood-sampling technique for antibody analyses in wild and captive animals. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 42(2) 466-469.
26. Behr, O., Mayer, F., Heckel, G., Nagy, M., Voigt, C.C., Helversen O. von (2006) Territorial songs indicate male quality in the sac-winged bat Saccopteryx bilineata (Chiroptera, Emballonuridae) Behavioral Ecology 18: 810-817
25. Thomsen, R., Voigt, C.C. (2006) Non-invasive blood sampling from primates using laboratory-bred blood-sucking bugs (Dipetalogaster maximus; Reduviidae, Heteroptera). Primates 47: 397-400.
24. Voigt, C.C., G. Heckel, von Helversen. O. (2006) Conflicts and strategies in the harem-polygynous mating system of the sac-winged bat, Saccopteryx bilineata. Pp. 269-289. In: Functional and Evolutionary Ecology of Bats (A. Zubaid, G.F. McCracken, and T.H. Kunz, eds.). Oxford University Press, New York.
23. Voigt, C.C. (2006) Einsatz stabiler Isotopen in der Verhaltensbiologie. In: Methoden der Verhaltensforschung. Ed. M. Naguib. Pp. 206-209.
22. Voigt, C.C., Heckel, G., Mayer, F. (2005) Sexual selection favours small and symmetric males in the polygynous greater sac-winged bat Saccopteryx bilineata (Emballonuridae, Chiroptera). Behavioural Ecology and Sociobiology 57: 457-464.
21. Voigt, C.C., Caspers, B., Speck, S. (2005) Bats, bacteria, and bat smell: Sex-specific diversity of microbes in a sexually selected scent organ. Journal of Mammalogy 86: 745–749.
20. Voigt, C.C., Kunz, T.H., Michener, R. (2005) The energetics of trading nuptial gifts with copulations in katydids. Physiological Biochemistry and Zoology 78: 417-423.
19. Voigt, C.C., Michener, R., Wibbelt, G., Kunz, T.H., von Helversen, O. (2005) Blood-sucking bugs as a gentle method for blood-collection in water budget studies using doubly labelled water. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A 142: 318-324.
18. Voigt, C.C. (2005) The evolution of wing sacs and perfume-blending in the emballonurid bats. In: Chemical Signals in Vertebrates X. (R. Mason, M. LeMaster, D. Müller-Schwarze, eds.). Springer Verlag. Pp.93-100.
17. Voigt, C.C., Faßbender, M., Dehnhard, M., Jewgenow, K., Wibbelt, G., Hofer, H., Schaub, G.A. (2004) Validation of a minimally invasive blood sampling technique for hormonal analysis in domestic rabbits. General and Comparative Endocrinology. 135: 100-107.
16. Voigt, C.C., Matt, F. (2004) Nitrogen stress causes unpredictable enrichments of 15N in two nectar-feeding bat species. Journal of Experimental Biology 207: 1741-1748.
15. Voigt, C.C. (2004) The power requirements in nectar-feeding bats (Glossophaginae, Phyllostomidae) for clinging to flowers. Journal of Comparative Physiology B 174: 541-548
14. Voigt, C.C., Hofer, H. (2004) Contributions to the 5th International Symposium on Physiology, Behaviour and Conservation of Wildlife. Advances in Ethology – Supplements to Ethology Vol 38. Blackwell Verlag, Oxford, pp.1-170. ISSN 0301-2808.
13. Voigt, C.C., Streich J. (2003) Queuing for harem ownership in colonies of the sac-winged bat. Animal Behaviour, 65: 149-156.
12. Voigt, C.C. (2003) Reproductive energetics of the nectar-feeding bat Glossophaga soricina (Phyllostomidae). Journal of Comparative Physiology B. 173: 79-85.
11. Voigt, C.C., Matt, F., Michener, R., Kunz T.H. (2003) Low rates of carbon isotope turnover in tissues of two nectar-feeding bat species (Glossophaginae, Phyllostomidae). Journal of Experimental Biology. 206: 1419-1427.
10. Voigt, C.C., von Helversen O., Michener, R. and T.H. Kunz. (2003) Validation of a non-invasive blood-sampling technique for doubly-labelled water experiments. Journal of Experimental Zoology, 296 A: 87-97
9. Voigt, C.C. (2003) Sac-winged bats, Sheath-tailed bats, and Ghosts bats (Emballonuridae). Grizmek’s Life Encyclopedia: Mammals II. Volume 13. (Devra G. Kleiman, Valerius Geist, Michael Hutchins, and Melissa C. McDade, eds.). Pp. 355-365, Farmington Hills, Michigan: Gale Group.
8. Helversen, O. von, Voigt, C.C. (2002) Glossophagine bat pollination in Helicteres baruensis (Sterculiaceae). Ecotropica, 8: 23-30.
7. Voigt, C.C. (2002) Individual variation of perfume-blending in male sac-winged bats. Animal Behaviour. 63: 907-913.
6. Voigt, C.C., Helversen O. von, Michener, R., Kunz, T.H. (2001) The economics of harem maintenance in the sac-winged bat, Saccopteryx bilineata. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 50: 31-36.
5. Voigt, C.C. (2000) Intraspecific scaling of flight costs in the bat Glossophaga soricina (Phyllostomidae). Journal of Comparative Physiology B. 170 5/6: 403-410.
4. Voigt, C.C., Winter, Y. (1999) The energetic costs of hovering flight in nectar-feeding bats (Phyllostomidae, Glossophaginae) and its scaling in sphingid moths, hummingbirds and bats. Journal of Comparative Physiology B 169:38-48.
3. Voigt, C.C., Helversen, O. von (1999) Storage and display of odor by male Saccopteryx bilineata (Chiroptera; Emballonuridae). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 47:29-40.
2. Heckel, G., Voigt, C.C., Mayer, F., Helversen, O. von (1999) Extra-harem paternity in the White-lined bat Saccopteryx bilineata. Behaviour 136: 1173-1185.
1. Winter, Y., Voigt, C., Helversen, O. von (1998). Gas exchange during hovering flight in a nectar-feeding bat Glossophaga soricina. Journal of Experimental Biology 201:237-244